CFAIL 2020
The second CFAIL took place virtually in August 2020 as an affiliated workshop to CRYPTO.
It featured two full research papers and accompanying talks, one additional research talk, and one invited keynote.
The Program Committee
Ghada Almashaqbeh, NuCypher
Diego Aranha, Aarhus University
Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Teserakt
Shivam Bhasin, NTU
Begül Bilgin, Rambus
Allison Bishop, Proof Trading (general chair)
Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, University of Adelaide
Orr Dunkelman, University of Haifa
Virginie Lallemand, CNRS
Chloe Martindale, University of Bristol
Nicky Mouha, NIST (program chair)
Fabrice Mouhartem, IIT Madras
Håvard Raddum, Simula UiB
Angela Robinson, NIST
Mike Rosulek, Oregon State University
Aishwarya Thiruvengadam, TU Darmstadt
The Accepted Papers
"Prelude to Marvellous (With the Designers' Commentary, Two Bonus Tracks, and a Foretold Prophecy)"
by Tomer Ashur and Siemen Dhooghe (full paper)
"From discrete-log to lattices: maybe the real lessons were our broken schemes along the way?"
by Alex Bienstock, Allison Bishop, Eli Goldin, Garrison Grogan and Victor Lecomte (full paper)
The Talks
Talk on Prelude to Marvellous (With the Designers' Commentary, Two Bonus Tracks, and a Foretold Prophecy) by Tomer Ashur and Siemen Dhooghe
First talk: From discrete-log to lattices: maybe the real lessons were our broken schemes along the way? by Alex Bienstock, Allison Bishop, Eli Golden, Garrison Grogan, and Victor Lecomte.
Second talk: Can there be efficient and natural FHE schemes? by Kristian Gjøsteen and Martin Strand
Invited talk by Steven Bellovin:
"The Evolution of IPsec"
Abstract: IPsec had a long and convoluted history. I'll look back at where it came from, what it got right, what it got wrong, and what it originally got wrong but then fixed.